Six questions with Sarah Croft


What inspired you to launch your own business?

In early 2017 my boss told me he was planning to retire soon, and I started thinking about what was next for me. The thought of just moving on to another job did not feel right to me, and I had always dreamed of owning my own business. Around this same time, my husband and I had experienced financial freedom, which is the most empowering feeling and opens up so many doors for opportunities that otherwise might not be realistic. I also felt like having the advantage of 17 years of longstanding relationships within the world of governmental affairs in Illinois if I did go out on my own, I would not have to sell myself and my services to people who did not know me. One of the hardest things a new business owner has to do. To this day, 95% of my clients are people I have known for 17 years or more.  


What are you most passionate about?

Self-improvement and overall personal development. Specific to self-improvement; when you become better, everything you do becomes better. For me, exceeding someone’s expectations is the most important thing, so the more time I dedicate to improving myself the better my product becomes. Specific to personal development; the more you learn about who you are as a person, the better you become at treating people in a way that they will always remember and appreciate. For me, letting people know that they matter, that they are appreciated and valued and that there is a mutual level of respect is an absolute must.  


How do you start your day?

Usually, anywhere between 3am and 4am I am sitting at my desk working with a coffee. I love early mornings and can accomplish a tremendous amount of work during that time. Once it starts to become light out, I am usually getting dressed for my morning run. If it is too cold, I try to do another type of physical exercise indoors. This is good for both my physical and mental health. I am very connected to nature and sunrises in particular have a special meaning to me, so outdoor runs are my daily therapy. This also gives me the opportunity every day for a major brain dump. My thinking is so much clearer after a good run and I am equipped with what I need to make that day as excellent as it can be.  


Favorite local business to support? 

I work with local caterers often. Some of my absolute favorites to work with are Café Moxo, Three Twigs Bakery / Biscuits & Brunch, and Cured Catering. With 2020 being the year that it was, supporting local caterers has become more important than ever. In a normal year these guys do fantastic things every single day, but what they were all able to accomplish in 2020 is nothing short of amazing.  


What is your number one piece of advice for business owners? 

To always remember why you started your business and to always remember to forgive yourself.  Being a business owner is hard, and there will be days when you feel completely over your head and days when you make mistakes. The days when you feel over your head, just take a step back. It is temporary, it will pass, and going back to WHY you started your business in the first place will help you center yourself. The days when you make mistakes, move on from them, do not dwell on them, and learn what you can from them. Mistakes are equal to accomplishments when it comes to overall growth and success.


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