Six questions with Marla Peavler


Champaign, IL Pura Vida Pets

What inspired you to launch your business? 

I have always loved animals and enjoy their company and companionship. During my 27 years of teaching elementary school, I also walked dogs and did a lot of pet sitting in my free time. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to switch careers and dedicate my time to serving pets. 

I had recently taken a trip to Costa Rica, where I quickly learned the phrase, Pura Vida. Pura Vida means pure life. I hope the products I offer will help pet owners to provide their loved ones with a pure life. All the ingredients I use to prepare treats are recognizable and safe. (If you wanted to try out that 'pupcake,' go ahead and eat that dog food. You will probably enjoy it.) Toys, made from repurposed materials, are for both independent and interactive play.  


About what are you most passionate?

I have always been very passionate about community outreach. Over the years, I have volunteered to help non-profit organizations with fundraisers and special events. Volunteering is a great way to connect with my community and understand where we can improve and grow together.  


How do you start your day? 

I like to start my day with intention. I wake up early but take my time to reflect on what I want to accomplish for the day. Once I have that plan in my mind, I get busy and don't stop until things get done.  


At which local business to you like to shop? 

My favorite local business to shop at is Ten Thousand Villages. Everything in the store is handmade by artisans around the world. I can always find a unique gift for that special someone.  


What do you deem as success in business? 

Success is when you have customers who love your products and want more of them.  


What is your number one piece of advice for business owners? 

If you want to start your own business and it has been something you've desired for a long time, do it. It takes work, patience, and guidance from others along the way, but it is worth it.  

 You can find Puravida Pets on Facebook and twitter.


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