Ashley Krstulovich WholeSelf Healing Yoga & Meditation – The 301

What inspired you to launch your business?

After finding all the ways I could fail at running a yoga and meditation studio, I finally decided to open my private practice and give it one more shot.

Tim Hahn of CrossFit Instinct reached out to me about joining The301 again, this time to keep our little mind-body collective an equally cooperative and autonomous environment for each business owner, and that sounded like what I’d been searching for all along.

So, I took a chance, and it turned out to be the best arrangement for me, my family, my goals, and my business.


What is your passion?

My passion is to make yoga more accessible to populations that may have felt excluded because of age, size, race, ethnicity, ability, income, gender, sexual orientation, clinical diagnosis, and the like. I aim to bring the benefits of yoga and mindfulness beyond the gyms and yoga studio walls and into the community.


How do you start your day?

I start every day with a grounding exercise (quiet time, guided/silent sit, gentle stretching, a mindful cuppa, etc.), some solid quality time with my 14-month-old, and checking in on social media. Sometimes, if I’m extra lucky, I can lie in bed and space out for a few extra minutes.


What do you deem as success in business?

Success in business is being able to share your mission with the community while making a paycheck, without having to compromise your health, family life, vision, or dedication to the community.


What is your number one piece of advice for business owners?

Take breaks, or you’ll break. Plain and simple. Delegating, collaborating, and sensible compromise are great, but you must continuously check on yourself and turn all that love and dedication back on you. We cannot pour from an empty cup, so we must remember to take care of ourselves.


Find out more about WholeSelf Healing Yoga & Meditation visit:




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