Six questions with Khara Koffel (and Megan Luckey)

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What inspired you to launch your business?

That is a little tricky because we didn’t intend to start a business, we just wanted to make some great teacher gifts for some incredible people at the daycare where my son goes. The business part came about a year later when we finally admitted that it had, indeed, grown into that. I think what made us continue to grow was how incredibly exciting, inspiring, and fun it was to be part of this new world of business that we knew nothing about at the time, as well as all of the support that so many people had shown us.


About what are you most passionate?

Have you met us? We are pretty passionate about everything. HA! We are most passionate about being radically ourselves and allowing that to drive our business, not conforming to standards by which we think we should meet and abide. We want to be kind, supportive of others, straight forward, and unapologetically ourselves while encouraging others to do the same.


How do you start your day?  

Screaming into the void that I didn’t get enough sleep, then a mishmash of exercise, dropping the kiddo off at school, coffee, and GO.


Favorite local business to shop at:

So many. The Roost, The Soap Co Coffee Shop in Jacksonville, IL, Home Girls, Our Town Books in Jacksonville, IL, Café Moxo for food, Reverie Apparel, Whimsy Tea….


What do you deem as success in business?

Grabbing on to everyone around your ladder and helping them up as you climb.


What is your number one piece of advice for business owners?

There’s always someone out there with better ideas than you, and you never know where they are.  Be kind, be sincere, and listen to whoever wants to talk.


Shop Serious Lip Balm and follow Khara and Megan on Facebook , and @seriouslipbalm on Insta. 


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